Faema President

An icon is reborn. Designed with a timeless style for those who always look to the future without ever renouncing tradition. For the ones that always keep an eye on the future without forgetting tradition

Design and style make the new President a truly unique machine. However, it is made even more exclusive by the endless customization options. While in the thermosiphon version it is possible to customize the base and all the bodywork thanks to the easy-to-remove system, in the GTi version the rear panel can be characterized by playing with numerous materials and the most varied graphic designs in order to give your machine a truly original and unique touch.

All version come with one hot water wand and two steam wands as standard


  • Effortlessly elegant style.
  • Robust and Ergonomic
  • Excellent quality in every cup
  • Smart boiler 11L - 17.5L
  • GTi Thermal System


  • Termosiphonic version with steel and matte black features
  • GTi version with satined and chromed steel with wooden touches.
  • Available in 2 or 3 group versions
  • Available in Tall Cup Version
  • AutoSteam Available
FAEMA PRESIDENT Coffee Machine Specifications
