OK, so you know what an Aeropress is and like most people who know and use it, simply love it, for the simplicity and versatility and most of all the great tasting coffee it makes.
When it was originally released in 2005, home brewing was still relatively uncommon, but as the appetite for good coffee at home continued to grow so did awareness for the product and its popularity exploded.
It's so popular now that most speciality cafes will have an AeroPress as one of their filter brew methods. There is even an AeroPress Championships held in Ireland and may other countries every year, which each country winner competing at the World AeroPress Championship to become the World AeroPress Champion. Who knew home brewing would become so competitive :)
These guys take their craft seriously and all the previous winning recipes are widely available so get experimenting with brew recipes from literally the best out there.
Also if your like me and you travel a bit, sometimes getting a decent cup of Joe can be a challenge as your in usually unfamiliar territory. So packing some sort of brewing equipment became the norm. However space is certainty a factor as much as good coffee is now an essential part of everyday life, extra weight or baggage fees is not :)
Below is a diagram explaining the differences between the AeroPress Go and Aeropress.

You can download this image as its not our's, it was released by the manufactures of the AeroPress to help customers understand the difference between the products and to help figure our which product is more suitable for your needs/requirement.
If you need a brewing device on the go, for travelling or hiking that's compact, easy to use and clean then the AeroPress Go is for you as it comes with a Mug already incorporated into the packaging so all you'll need is some good coffee beans (ground or bring a grinder too- I'd recommend the Rhinoware Compact) and some hot water and you're good to brew.
However if it's for home brewing then the original is the better option due to its increased brewing capacity.
If you have any further questions in relation to the above, feel free to reach out and we'd be happy to help,
Happy Brewing