Puly Caff Plus Professional 60 X 2.5g Tablets- Group Head Cleaner
Puly Caff are the market leader world wide for espresso machine cleaning products. Get exact portion control with 2.5 gram tablets - 60 quantity. Puly Caff Plus has a strong degreasing and emulsifying action of vegetable fats and the ability to develop active oxygen, is able to clean perfectly the components of the group of coffee machines.
Use for back flushing and soaking. Available in powder and tablets for your convenience. (Domestic machines may not be suitable for back flushing)
Also great to remove stubborn stains on cups and saucers etc.
It improve deodorizing and clean without increasing the extraction of toxic metals from common materials of fabrication in espresso machines when used and rinsed according to the manufacturer’s instructions(Tested and Certified by N.S.F. International - Protocol P152 Health Effects and Corrosivity of Commercial Espresso Machine Chemical Cleaner). It is also unique for soaking cups, teapots, etc.: it cleans and eliminates all traces of coffee, tea or milk from crockery without affecting decorations in any way.